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E951 - Aspartam - Pàgina 4

Funcions: Edulcorant

Aspartame -APM- is an artificial non-saccharide sweetener used as a sugar substitute in some foods and beverages. In the European Union, it is codified as E951. Aspartame is a methyl ester of the aspartic acid/phenylalanine dipeptide. A panel of experts set up by the European Food Safety Authority concluded in 2013 that aspartame is safe for human consumption at current levels of exposure. As of 2018, evidence does not support a long-term benefit for weight loss or in diabetes. Because its breakdown products include phenylalanine, people with the genetic condition phenylketonuria -PKU- must be aware of this as an additional source.It was first sold under the brand name NutraSweet. It was first made in 1965, and the patent expired in 1992. It was initially approved for use in food products by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration -FDA- in 1981. The safety of aspartame has been the subject of several political and medical controversies, United States congressional hearings, and Internet hoaxes. - Viquipèdia

Avaluació de l’EFSA: Scientific Opinion on the re-evaluation of aspartame -E 951- as a food additive. (2013-12-10)

Cap o molt baix risc de sobreexposició
L'Autoritat Europea de Seguretat Alimentària (EFSA) ha determinat que cap grup de població té més del 5% dels membres amb risc de consumir més de la ingesta diària acceptable de E951 - Aspartam.

Per avaluar la vostra exposició a E951 - Aspartam, podeu navegar per la nostra llista de productes que en duen. Vegeu la llista de productes amb E951 - Aspartam de més avall.

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