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Com a organització sense ànim de lucre, depenem de les vostres donacions per continuar informant els consumidors de tot el món sobre tot allò què mengen.

La revolució alimentària comença amb tu!

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Conditions for reuse

La base de dades d'Open Food Facts, està disponible sota la llicència Llicéncia de base de dades oberta .
Els continguts individuals de la base de dades estan disponibles sota la llicència de contingut de la base de dades.
Les imatges dels productes estan disponibles sota la llicència Creative Commons de reconeixement - compartir igual. Poden contenir elements gràfics subjectes a drets d'autor o altres drets, que en alguns casos es poden reproduir (drets de cotització o ús raonable).

Si us plau, llegiu els Termes i condicions d'ús i reutilització abans de reutilitzar les dades.

Tell us about your reuse

Estem molt interessats a saber perquè s'utilitzen les dades d'Open Food Facts. It is not mandatory, but we would very much appreciate it if you tell us about your re-uses so that we can share them with the Open Food Facts community. You can also fill this form to get a chance to get your app featured.

Exportacions de dades d'Open Food Facts

Els abocaments de bases de dades i les exportacions es generen cada nit. The database is very big, so you can find different ways to use the data, depending on the export flavor.

La informació sobre els diferents camps per a l'abocador de MongoDB i les exportacions CSV està disponible a https://world.openfoodfacts.org/data/data-fields.txt

Abocador de MongoDB

Les dades de tots els productes estan disponibles en un bolcat de base de dades a MongoDB.


Exportació Delta

Les exportacions delta diàries es proporcionen durant els 14 dies anteriors. The list of currently available delta files can be found at https://static.openfoodfacts.org/data/delta/index.txt.

Cada línia representa un fitxer que està disponible a https://static.openfoodfacts.org/data/delta/{filename}.

The filename contains UNIX timestamp of the first and the last change contained in the JSON file, so that the delta files can be imported (after extraction) with mongoimport in alphabetical order.

Tingueu en compte que a causa de la naturalesa de mongoexport, els fitxers delta no us poden informar sobre els productes suprimits. To remove deleted products from your database, you will need to import the full MongoDB dump.

Exportació de dades JSONL

Tota la base de dades també està disponible en format JSONL (de vegades anomenat LDJSON o NDJSON) on cada línia és un objecte JSON. Representa les mateixes dades que l'exportació de MongoDB. El fitxer està comprimit amb gzip.


A suitable way to exploit the database is to use DuckDB, an in-process analytical tool designed to process large amount of data in a fraction of seconds. You can read our blog post where we walk you through exploring and processing the Open Food Facts database with DuckDB

Exportació de dades CSV

Data for all products, or some of the products, can be downloaded in the CSV format (readable with LibreOffice, Excel and many other spreadsheet software) through the advanced search form.

https://static.openfoodfacts.org/data/en.openfoodfacts.org.products.csv.gz (comprimit CSV en format GZIP: ~ 0.9 Gb, no comprimit: ~ 9 Gb)

La codificació del fitxer és Unicode UTF-8. The character that separates fields is <tab> (tabulation).

RDF Data Export

The database is also available in the RDF format. You can read the announcement in French.


Image Data Export

All images and OCR results can either be downloaded from our server or from AWS (through the AWS Open Data Program). Check out our documentation to learn more about how to download images.

OpenAPI Documentation for the JSON API

A JSON API is also available to read the data for a product. This API is in particular used in the Open Food Facts mobile app for iPhone and Android.

We improve the API over-time but we are careful to keep backwards compatibility. Please get in touch if you use it, so that we can tell you about potential changes.

URL to read data for a product: https://world.openfoodfacts.org/api/v2/product/[barcode].json

Exemple: https://world.openfoodfacts.org/api/v3/product/737628064502.json

Note that if the output is too overwhelming, you can filter it - as described in the API documentation.

OpenAPI help wanted

We're eager to finish the documentation of the API, add use-cases, and automate SDK generation. If you are an OpenAPI connoisseur, you are very welcome to help.

You are very welcome to use the API for production cases, as long as 1 API call = 1 real scan by a user. Any attempt to scrape the database using the API will very likely be blocked, as full daily exports are available on this very page.

Also, sending an HTTP header with your API call is a good way we can get in touch, should any issue arise.

If you are unsure about anything, or have any question (there is no silly question), feel free to ask it on the #api channel on Slack :-)

Experimental XML API

You can also get the result in XML by using .xml

Example: https://world.openfoodfacts.org/api/v2/product/737628064502.xml

This API is not actively maintained, and not officially documented.

Wrappers and SDKs

We probably have a wrapper for your favorite programming language. If we do, you can use it and improve it. If we don't, you can help create it.

They will let you consume data, as well as let your users contribute new data

General principles to make your users happy

  • You can search for information about products, including many useful computed values.
  • If you can't get the information on a specific product, you can get your user to send photos and data, that will then be processed by Open Food Facts AI and contributors to get the computed result you want to show them.
  • You can also implement the complete flow so that they get immediately the result with some effort on their side.

If your users do not expect a result immediately (e.g. Inventory apps)

  • Submit photos (front/nutrition/ingredients): most painless thing for your users
  • The Open Food Facts AI - Robotoff - will generate some derived data from the photos
  • Over time, other apps, and the Open Food Facts community will fill the data gaps

If your users expect a result immediately (e.g. Nutrition apps)

  • Submit nutrition facts + category > get Nutri-Score
  • Submit ingredients > get the NOVA group (about food ultra-processing), additives, allergens, normalized ingredients, vegan, vegetarian…
  • Submit category + labels > soon get the Eco-Score (about environmental impact)

Android/iPhone/Flutter mobile app

The code for the official Open Food Facts mobile apps is available on GitHub Flutter Kotlin Android Swift iOS

We look to turn the deprecated Kotlin and Swift codebases into Kotlin and Swift SDKs, help welcome :-)

The app allows users to scan the barcode of products, to view the product information, and to take and submit pictures and data for missing products.

You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.


Discussing data, API and exports

You can look at common FAQ questions about the API and Data Exports and common Open Food Facts questions

You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions and discuss the API. Please ask your questions in the #api channel

You can open a thread on our API documentation repository

For any question regarding the data, you can contact us at reuse@openfoodfacts.org