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Masa de hojaldre - Dia - 230 g

Masa de hojaldre - Dia - 230 g

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Codi de barres:
8480017074638(EAN / EAN-13)

Quantitat: 230 g

Empaquetament: Plàstic

Marques: Dia

Categories: en:Aliments d'origine végétale, en:Aliments et boissons à base de végétaux, en:Céréales et dérivés, en:Céréales et pommes de terre, en:Pâtes à tarte

Països on es va vendre: Espanya, en:Francia

Matching with your preferences



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    Nutri-Score D

    Poca qualitat nutricional
    ⚠ ️Atenció: la quantitat de fibra no s'especifica, no es tindrà en compte la seva possible contribució positiva en la qualificació.
    ⚠ ️Atenció: la quantitat de fruita, verdura i fruits secs no s'especifica a l'etiqueta, s'ha fet una estimació a partir de la llista d'ingredients: 3
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      What is the Nutri-Score?

      The Nutri-Score is a logo on the overall nutritional quality of products.

      The score from A to E is calculated based on nutrients and foods to favor (proteins, fiber, fruits, vegetables and legumes ...) and nutrients to limit (calories, saturated fat, sugars, salt). The score is calculated from the data of the nutrition facts table and the composition data (fruits, vegetables and legumes).

      The display of this logo is recommended by public health authorities without obligation for companies.


    Punts negatius: 18/55

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      4/10 points (1595kJ)

      Energy intakes above energy requirements are associated with increased risks of weight gain, overweight, obesity, and consequently risk of diet-related chronic diseases.

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      0/15 points (0.8g)

      Un alt consum de sucre pot provocar augment de pes i càries dental. També augmenta el risc de patir diabetis tipus 2 i malalties cardiovasculars.

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      4/20 points (0.96g)

      Un alt consum de sal (o sodi) pot provocar un augment de la pressió arterial, que pot augmentar el risc de patir malalties del cor i ictus.


    Punts positius: 0/10

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      0/5 points (0g)

      Consuming foods rich in fiber (especially whole grain foods) reduces the risks of aerodigestive cancers, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes.

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      Detalls del càlcul de la Nutri-Score

      ⚠ ️Atenció: la quantitat de fibra no s'especifica, no es tindrà en compte la seva possible contribució positiva en la qualificació.
      ⚠ ️Atenció: la quantitat de fruita, verdura i fruits secs no s'especifica a l'etiqueta, s'ha fet una estimació a partir de la llista d'ingredients: 3

      Aquest producte no es considera una beguda per al càlcul de la Nutri-Score.

      Points for proteins are not counted because the negative points greater than or equal to 11.

      Puntuació nutricional: 18 (18 - 0)

      Nutri-Score: D

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    Informació nutricional

    Informació nutricional Com es ven
    per 100 g/100 ml
    Comparat amb: en:cereales-et-pommes-de-terre
    Energia 1.595 kj
    (382 kcal)
    Greix 23,4 g +83%
    Àcid gras saturat 10,7 g +384%
    Hidrats de carboni 36,5 g -24%
    Sucre 0,8 g -76%
    Fiber ?
    Proteïna 5,9 g -24%
    Sal comuna 0,96 g -4%
    Fruits‚ vegetables‚ nuts and rapeseed‚ walnut and olive oils (estimate from ingredients list analysis) 3,214 %


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    13 ingredients

    Castellà: Harina de trigo, grasas y aceites vegetales (grasa de palma, aceite de nabina, colorante (carotenos)), agua, alcohol etílico, sal, zumo concentrado de limón, agente de tratamiento de la harina (L-cisteína). Puede contener trazas de leche y huevos.
    Al·lèrgens: en:Gluten
    Rastres: en:Eggs, en:Milk, en:en-en-en-eggs-en-milk

Processament d'aliments

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    Aliments ultra processats

    Elements que indiquen que el producte està al grup 4 - Aliments i begudes ultraprocessats:

    • Ingredient: Color

    Els productes alimentaris es classifiquen en 4 grups segons el seu grau de processament:

    1. Aliments no processats o mínimament processats
    2. Ingredients culinaris processats
    3. Aliments processats
    4. Aliments ultra processats

    La determinació del grup es fa en funció de la categoria del producte i dels ingredients que conté.

    Més informació sobre la classificació NOVA


  • E1510

    Ethanol: Ethanol, also called alcohol, ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, and drinking alcohol, is a chemical compound, a simple alcohol with the chemical formula C2H5OH. Its formula can be also written as CH3−CH2−OH or C2H5−OH -an ethyl group linked to a hydroxyl group-, and is often abbreviated as EtOH. Ethanol is a volatile, flammable, colorless liquid with a slight characteristic odor. It is a psychoactive substance and is the principal type of alcohol found in alcoholic drinks. Ethanol is naturally produced by the fermentation of sugars by yeasts or via petrochemical processes, and is most commonly consumed as a popular recreational drug. It also has medical applications as an antiseptic and disinfectant. The compound is widely used as a chemical solvent, either for scientific chemical testing or in synthesis of other organic compounds, and is a vital substance used across many different kinds of manufacturing industries. Ethanol is also used as a clean-burning fuel source.
    Origen: Wikipedia (Anglès)
  • E920 - L-cisteïna

    Cysteine: Cysteine -symbol Cys or C; - is a semi-essential proteinogenic amino acid with the formula HO2CCH-NH2-CH2SH. The thiol side chain in cysteine often participates in enzymatic reactions, as a nucleophile. The thiol is susceptible to oxidation to give the disulfide derivative cystine, which serves an important structural role in many proteins. When used as a food additive, it has the E number E920. It is encoded by the codons UGU and UGC. Cysteine has the same structure as serine, but with one of its oxygen atoms replaced by sulfur; replacing it with selenium gives selenocysteine. -Like other natural proteinogenic amino acids cysteine has -L- chirality in the older D/L notation based on homology to D and L glyceraldehyde. In the newer R/S system of designating chirality, based on the atomic numbers of atoms near the asymmetric carbon, cysteine -and selenocysteine- have R chirality, because of the presence of sulfur -resp. selenium- as a second neighbor to the asymmetric carbon. The remaining chiral amino acids, having lighter atoms in that position, have S chirality.-
    Origen: Wikipedia (Anglès)

Anàlisi dels ingredients

L'anàlisi es basa únicament en els ingredients enumerats i no té en compte els mètodes de processament.
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    Detalls de l'anàlisi dels ingredients

    es: Harina de trigo, grasas, aceites vegetales (grasa de palma, aceite de nabina, colorante (carotenos)), agua, alcohol etílico, sal, zumo concentrado de limón, agente de tratamiento de la harina (L-cisteína)
    1. Harina de trigo -> en:wheat-flour - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 9410 - percent_min: 12.5 - percent_max: 100
    2. grasas -> en:fat - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe - from_palm_oil: maybe - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 50
    3. aceites vegetales -> en:vegetable-oil - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - from_palm_oil: maybe - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 33.3333333333333
      1. grasa de palma -> en:palm-fat - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - from_palm_oil: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 16129 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 33.3333333333333
      2. aceite de nabina -> en:colza-oil - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - from_palm_oil: no - ciqual_food_code: 17130 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 16.6666666666667
      3. colorante -> en:colour - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 11.1111111111111
        1. carotenos -> en:e160a - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe - from_palm_oil: maybe - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 11.1111111111111
    4. agua -> en:water - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 18066 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 25
    5. alcohol etílico -> en:e1510 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 20
    6. sal -> en:salt - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 11058 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 0.95999997854233
    7. zumo concentrado de limón -> en:concentrated-lemon-juice - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 2028 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 0.95999997854233
    8. agente de tratamiento de la harina -> en:flour-treatment-agent - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 0.95999997854233
      1. L-cisteína -> en:e920 - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 0.95999997854233




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Producte afegit per kiliweb
Última modificació de la pàgina del producte per thaialagata.
La pàgina del producte, també editada per alexrios, desan, halal-app-chakib, musarana, openfoodfacts-contributors, packbot, yuka.Wi9rU0t2c2R2dVFXbXNJSDFEN2J3OUJiMllDNFgxaXlDdTRmSWc9PQ, yuka.ZVA0UktMby9tTkkzeDh4bjBUck01OHhZNmNDMkJrS01PdW9XSWc9PQ, yuka.ZjcwdUxyd0tuOWdKcWNBayswclFxODlQbDRLbFRHaW9EYk14SUE9PQ.

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