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Fromage fondu tranches - Dia - 300 g

Fromage fondu tranches - Dia - 300 g

Aquesta pàgina del producte no està completa. Podeu ajudar a completar-la editant-la i afegint-hi més dades a partir de les fotos ja disponibles, o fent-ne més amb l'aplicació de androide o iPhone / iPad. Gràcies! ×

Codi de barres:
8480017006646(EAN / EAN-13)

Nom comú: Fromage fondu tranches

Quantitat: 300 g

Empaquetament: fr:Sachet plastique, fr:Sachet plastique individuel

Marques: Dia

Categories: Productes làctics, Aliments fermentats, Productes làctics fermentats, Formatge, Formatges en talls, en:Melted cheese

Etiquetes, certificacions, premis: Lliure de gluten, Punt verd
Punt verd

Origen dels ingredients: Espanya

Codi de traçabilitat: ES 15.359/O C CE

Botigues: Dia

Països on es va vendre: França, Espanya

Matching with your preferences



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    Nutri-Score B

    Bona qualitat nutricional
    ⚠ ️Atenció: la quantitat de fibra no s'especifica, no es tindrà en compte la seva possible contribució positiva en la qualificació.
    ⚠ ️Atenció: la quantitat de fruita, verdura i fruits secs no s'especifica a l'etiqueta, s'ha fet una estimació a partir de la llista d'ingredients: 0
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      Discover the new Nutri-Score!

      The computation of the Nutri-Score is evolving to provide better recommendations based on the latest scientific evidence.

      Main improvements:

      • Better score for some fatty fish and oils rich in good fats
      • Better score for whole products rich in fiber
      • Worse score for products containing a lot of salt or sugar
      • Worse score for red meat (compared to poultry)
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      What is the Nutri-Score?

      The Nutri-Score is a logo on the overall nutritional quality of products.

      The score from A to E is calculated based on nutrients and foods to favor (proteins, fiber, fruits, vegetables and legumes ...) and nutrients to limit (calories, saturated fat, sugars, salt). The score is calculated from the data of the nutrition facts table and the composition data (fruits, vegetables and legumes).

      The display of this logo is recommended by public health authorities without obligation for companies.


    Punts negatius: 1/55

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      0/10 points (50kJ)

      Energy intakes above energy requirements are associated with increased risks of weight gain, overweight, obesity, and consequently risk of diet-related chronic diseases.

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      0/15 points (0.35g)

      Un alt consum de sucre pot provocar augment de pes i càries dental. També augmenta el risc de patir diabetis tipus 2 i malalties cardiovasculars.

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      1/20 points (0.21g)

      Un alt consum de sal (o sodi) pot provocar un augment de la pressió arterial, que pot augmentar el risc de patir malalties del cor i ictus.


    Punts positius: 0/17

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      0/7 points (0.81g)

      Foods that are rich in proteins are usually rich in calcium or iron which are essential minerals with numerous health benefits.

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      0/5 points (desconegut)

      Consuming foods rich in fiber (especially whole grain foods) reduces the risks of aerodigestive cancers, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes.

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      Detalls del càlcul de la Nutri-Score

      ⚠ ️Atenció: la quantitat de fibra no s'especifica, no es tindrà en compte la seva possible contribució positiva en la qualificació.
      ⚠ ️Atenció: la quantitat de fruita, verdura i fruits secs no s'especifica a l'etiqueta, s'ha fet una estimació a partir de la llista d'ingredients: 0

      Aquest producte no es considera una beguda per al càlcul de la Nutri-Score.

      This product is considered to be cheese for the calculation of the Nutri-Score.

      Points for proteins are counted because the product is considered to be cheese.

      Puntuació nutricional: 1 (1 - 0)

      Nutri-Score: B

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    Informació nutricional

    Informació nutricional Com es ven
    per 100 g/100 ml
    Com es ven
    per porció (16 g)
    Comparat amb: en:Melted cheese
    Energia 50 kj
    (12 kcal)
    8 kj
    (1 kcal)
    Greix 0,794 g 0,127 g -95%
    Àcid gras saturat 0,519 g 0,083 g -95%
    Hidrats de carboni 0,506 g 0,081 g -91%
    Sucre 0,35 g 0,056 g -90%
    Fiber ? ?
    Proteïna 0,812 g 0,13 g -94%
    Sal comuna 0,209 g 0,034 g -92%
    Fruits‚ vegetables‚ nuts and rapeseed‚ walnut and olive oils (estimate from ingredients list analysis) 0 % 0 %
Mida de la porció: 16 g


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    18 ingredients

    Francès: Lait concentré écrémé, fromage, beurre, protéines de lait, amidon modifié, sel de fonte (E-452i, E-339ii, E-339iii, E-450i, E-331iii), sel, épaississants (E-407, E-415, E-508) et conservateur (E-200)
    Al·lèrgens: en:Milk
    • Ingredient information

      • Llet descremada condensada: 55.6% (estimate)

      • Formatge: 22.2% (estimate)

      • Mantega: 11.1% (estimate)

      • Proteina de la llet: 5.6% (estimate)

      • Midó modificat: 2.8% (estimate)

      • Surts de fos: < 2% (estimate)

      • — E452i: < 2% (estimate)

      • — E339ii: < 2% (estimate)

      • — E339iii: < 2% (estimate)

      • — E450i: < 2% (estimate)

      • — E331iii: < 2% (estimate)

      • Sal: < 2% (estimate)

      • Espessidor: < 2% (estimate)

      • — E407: < 2% (estimate)

      • — E415: < 2% (estimate)

      • — E508: < 2% (estimate)

      • Conservant: < 2% (estimate)

      • — E200: < 2% (estimate)

Processament d'aliments


  • E14XX - Midó modificat

  • E200 - Àcid sòrbic

    Sorbic acid: Sorbic acid, or 2‚4-hexadienoic acid, is a natural organic compound used as a food preservative. It has the chemical formula CH3-CH-4CO2H. It is a colourless solid that is slightly soluble in water and sublimes readily. It was first isolated from the unripe berries of the Sorbus aucuparia -rowan tree-, hence its name.
    Origen: Wikipedia (Anglès)
  • E331 - Citrats de sodi

    Sodium citrate: Sodium citrate may refer to any of the sodium salts of citrate -though most commonly the third-: Monosodium citrate Disodium citrate Trisodium citrateThe three forms of the salt are collectively known by the E number E331. Sodium citrates are used as acidity regulators in food and drinks, and also as emulsifiers for oils. They enable cheeses to melt without becoming greasy.
    Origen: Wikipedia (Anglès)
  • E331iii - Citrat trisòdic

    Sodium citrate: Sodium citrate may refer to any of the sodium salts of citrate -though most commonly the third-: Monosodium citrate Disodium citrate Trisodium citrateThe three forms of the salt are collectively known by the E number E331. Sodium citrates are used as acidity regulators in food and drinks, and also as emulsifiers for oils. They enable cheeses to melt without becoming greasy.
    Origen: Wikipedia (Anglès)
  • E339 - Fosfati de sodi

    Sodium phosphates: Sodium phosphate is a generic term for a variety of salts of sodium -Na+- and phosphate -PO43−-. Phosphate also forms families or condensed anions including di-, tri-, tetra-, and polyphosphates. Most of these salts are known in both anhydrous -water-free- and hydrated forms. The hydrates are more common than the anhydrous forms.
    Origen: Wikipedia (Anglès)
  • E339ii

    Sodium phosphates: Sodium phosphate is a generic term for a variety of salts of sodium -Na+- and phosphate -PO43−-. Phosphate also forms families or condensed anions including di-, tri-, tetra-, and polyphosphates. Most of these salts are known in both anhydrous -water-free- and hydrated forms. The hydrates are more common than the anhydrous forms.
    Origen: Wikipedia (Anglès)
  • E339iii - Fosfat de trisodi

    Sodium phosphates: Sodium phosphate is a generic term for a variety of salts of sodium -Na+- and phosphate -PO43−-. Phosphate also forms families or condensed anions including di-, tri-, tetra-, and polyphosphates. Most of these salts are known in both anhydrous -water-free- and hydrated forms. The hydrates are more common than the anhydrous forms.
    Origen: Wikipedia (Anglès)
  • E407 - Carragahen

    Carrageenan: Carrageenans or carrageenins - karr-ə-gee-nənz, from Irish carraigín, "little rock"- are a family of linear sulfated polysaccharides that are extracted from red edible seaweeds. They are widely used in the food industry, for their gelling, thickening, and stabilizing properties. Their main application is in dairy and meat products, due to their strong binding to food proteins. There are three main varieties of carrageenan, which differ in their degree of sulfation. Kappa-carrageenan has one sulfate group per disaccharide, iota-carrageenan has two, and lambda-carrageenan has three. Gelatinous extracts of the Chondrus crispus -Irish moss- seaweed have been used as food additives since approximately the fifteenth century. Carrageenan is a vegetarian and vegan alternative to gelatin in some applications or may be used to replace gelatin in confectionery.
    Origen: Wikipedia (Anglès)
  • E415 - Goma de xantè

    Xanthan gum: Xanthan gum -- is a polysaccharide with many industrial uses, including as a common food additive. It is an effective thickening agent and stabilizer to prevent ingredients from separating. It can be produced from simple sugars using a fermentation process, and derives its name from the species of bacteria used, Xanthomonas campestris.
    Origen: Wikipedia (Anglès)
  • E450 - Difosfat

  • E450i

  • E452 - Polifosfat

  • E452i

  • E508 - Clorur de potassi

    Potassium chloride: Potassium chloride -KCl- is a metal halide salt composed of potassium and chlorine. It is odorless and has a white or colorless vitreous crystal appearance. The solid dissolves readily in water and its solutions have a salt-like taste. KCl is used as a fertilizer, in medicine, in scientific applications, and in food processing. In a few states of the United States it is used to cause cardiac arrest as the third drug in the "three drug cocktail" for executions by lethal injection. It occurs naturally as the mineral sylvite, and in combination with sodium chloride as sylvinite.The version for injection is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system.
    Origen: Wikipedia (Anglès)

Anàlisi dels ingredients

  • icon

    No és vegà

    Ingredients no vegans: Llet descremada condensada, Formatge, Mantega, Proteina de la llet
L'anàlisi es basa únicament en els ingredients enumerats i no té en compte els mètodes de processament.
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    Detalls de l'anàlisi dels ingredients

    fr: Lait concentré écrémé, fromage, beurre, protéines de lait, amidon modifié, sel de fonte (e452i, e339ii, e339iii, e450i, e331iii), sel, épaississants (e407, e415, e508), conservateur (e200)
    1. Lait concentré écrémé -> en:condensed-skimmed-milk - vegan: no - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 19051 - percent_min: 11.1111111111111 - percent_max: 100
    2. fromage -> en:cheese - vegan: no - vegetarian: maybe - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 12999 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 50
    3. beurre -> en:butter - vegan: no - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 16400 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 33.3333333333333
    4. protéines de lait -> en:milk-proteins - vegan: no - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 25
    5. amidon modifié -> en:modified-starch - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 9510 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 20
    6. sel de fonte -> en:emulsifying-salts - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 16.6666666666667
      1. e452i -> en:e452i - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 16.6666666666667
      2. e339ii -> en:e339ii - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 8.33333333333333
      3. e339iii -> en:e339iii - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 5.55555555555556
      4. e450i -> en:e450i - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 4.16666666666667
      5. e331iii -> en:e331iii - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 3.33333333333333
    7. sel -> en:salt - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 11058 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 14.2857142857143
    8. épaississants -> en:thickener - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 12.5
      1. e407 -> en:e407 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 12.5
      2. e415 -> en:e415 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 6.25
      3. e508 -> en:e508 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 4.16666666666667
    9. conservateur -> en:preservative - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 11.1111111111111
      1. e200 -> en:e200 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 11.1111111111111


Petjada de carboni



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