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Preparado postre flan con caramelo - Carrefour - 190 g

Preparado postre flan con caramelo - Carrefour - 190 g

Aquesta pàgina del producte no està completa. Podeu ajudar a completar-la editant-la i afegint-hi més dades a partir de les fotos ja disponibles, o fent-ne més amb l'aplicació de androide o iPhone / iPad. Gràcies! ×

Algunes de les dades d’aquest producte les ha proporcionat directament el fabricant Carrefour España.

Codi de barres:
8431876279115(EAN / EAN-13)

Quantitat: 190 g

Marques: Carrefour

Categories: Ajudants de cuina, en:Dessert mixes, en:Mixes for dessert creams

Botigues: Carrefour

Països on es va vendre: Espanya

Matching with your preferences



  • icon

    Nutri-Score UNKNOWN

    Falten dades per calcular la Nutri-Score
    • icon

      What is the Nutri-Score?

      The Nutri-Score is a logo on the overall nutritional quality of products.

      The score from A to E is calculated based on nutrients and foods to favor (proteins, fiber, fruits, vegetables and legumes ...) and nutrients to limit (calories, saturated fat, sugars, salt). The score is calculated from the data of the nutrition facts table and the composition data (fruits, vegetables and legumes).

      The display of this logo is recommended by public health authorities without obligation for companies.

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    Informació nutricional

    Informació nutricional Com es ven
    per 100 g/100 ml
    Comparat amb: en:Dessert mixes
    Energia 1.665 kj
    (392 kcal)
    Greix 0 g -100%
    Àcid gras saturat 0 g -100%
    Hidrats de carboni 98 g +124%
    Sucre 91 g +218%
    Fiber 0 g -100%
    Proteïna 0 g -100%
    Sal comuna 0,41 g -8%
    Fruits‚ vegetables‚ nuts and rapeseed‚ walnut and olive oils 0 %
    Fruits‚ vegetables‚ nuts and rapeseed‚ walnut and olive oils (estimate from ingredients list analysis) 0 %


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    11 ingredients

    : Azúcar , almidón de maiz, estabilizantes carragenanos y algas euchema, sal, colorante natural beta caroteno y aroma. Caramelo líquido: sacarosa y agua.
    Al·lèrgens: es:ausencia

Processament d'aliments

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    Aliments ultra processats

    Elements que indiquen que el producte està al grup 4 - Aliments i begudes ultraprocessats:

    • Additiu: E150 - Caramel
    • Additiu: E160a - Carotè
    • Additiu: E407 - Carragahen
    • Ingredient: Color
    • Ingredient: Aromes

    Els productes alimentaris es classifiquen en 4 grups segons el seu grau de processament:

    1. Aliments no processats o mínimament processats
    2. Ingredients culinaris processats
    3. Aliments processats
    4. Aliments ultra processats

    La determinació del grup es fa en funció de la categoria del producte i dels ingredients que conté.

    Més informació sobre la classificació NOVA


  • E160a - Carotè

    Carotene: The term carotene -also carotin, from the Latin carota, "carrot"- is used for many related unsaturated hydrocarbon substances having the formula C40Hx, which are synthesized by plants but in general cannot be made by animals -with the exception of some aphids and spider mites which acquired the synthesizing genes from fungi-. Carotenes are photosynthetic pigments important for photosynthesis. Carotenes contain no oxygen atoms. They absorb ultraviolet, violet, and blue light and scatter orange or red light, and -in low concentrations- yellow light. Carotenes are responsible for the orange colour of the carrot, for which this class of chemicals is named, and for the colours of many other fruits, vegetables and fungi -for example, sweet potatoes, chanterelle and orange cantaloupe melon-. Carotenes are also responsible for the orange -but not all of the yellow- colours in dry foliage. They also -in lower concentrations- impart the yellow coloration to milk-fat and butter. Omnivorous animal species which are relatively poor converters of coloured dietary carotenoids to colourless retinoids have yellowed-coloured body fat, as a result of the carotenoid retention from the vegetable portion of their diet. The typical yellow-coloured fat of humans and chickens is a result of fat storage of carotenes from their diets. Carotenes contribute to photosynthesis by transmitting the light energy they absorb to chlorophyll. They also protect plant tissues by helping to absorb the energy from singlet oxygen, an excited form of the oxygen molecule O2 which is formed during photosynthesis. β-Carotene is composed of two retinyl groups, and is broken down in the mucosa of the human small intestine by β-carotene 15‚15'-monooxygenase to retinal, a form of vitamin A. β-Carotene can be stored in the liver and body fat and converted to retinal as needed, thus making it a form of vitamin A for humans and some other mammals. The carotenes α-carotene and γ-carotene, due to their single retinyl group -β-ionone ring-, also have some vitamin A activity -though less than β-carotene-, as does the xanthophyll carotenoid β-cryptoxanthin. All other carotenoids, including lycopene, have no beta-ring and thus no vitamin A activity -although they may have antioxidant activity and thus biological activity in other ways-. Animal species differ greatly in their ability to convert retinyl -beta-ionone- containing carotenoids to retinals. Carnivores in general are poor converters of dietary ionone-containing carotenoids. Pure carnivores such as ferrets lack β-carotene 15‚15'-monooxygenase and cannot convert any carotenoids to retinals at all -resulting in carotenes not being a form of vitamin A for this species-; while cats can convert a trace of β-carotene to retinol, although the amount is totally insufficient for meeting their daily retinol needs.
    Origen: Wikipedia (Anglès)
  • E160ai

    Beta-Carotene: β-Carotene is an organic, strongly colored red-orange pigment abundant in plants and fruits. It is a member of the carotenes, which are terpenoids -isoprenoids-, synthesized biochemically from eight isoprene units and thus having 40 carbons. Among the carotenes, β-carotene is distinguished by having beta-rings at both ends of the molecule. β-Carotene is biosynthesized from geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate.β-Carotene is the most common form of carotene in plants. When used as a food coloring, it has the E number E160a. The structure was deduced by Karrer et al. in 1930. In nature, β-carotene is a precursor -inactive form- to vitamin A via the action of beta-carotene 15‚15'-monooxygenase.Isolation of β-carotene from fruits abundant in carotenoids is commonly done using column chromatography. It can also be extracted from the beta-carotene rich algae, Dunaliella salina. The separation of β-carotene from the mixture of other carotenoids is based on the polarity of a compound. β-Carotene is a non-polar compound, so it is separated with a non-polar solvent such as hexane. Being highly conjugated, it is deeply colored, and as a hydrocarbon lacking functional groups, it is very lipophilic.
    Origen: Wikipedia (Anglès)
  • E407 - Carragahen

    Carrageenan: Carrageenans or carrageenins - karr-ə-gee-nənz, from Irish carraigín, "little rock"- are a family of linear sulfated polysaccharides that are extracted from red edible seaweeds. They are widely used in the food industry, for their gelling, thickening, and stabilizing properties. Their main application is in dairy and meat products, due to their strong binding to food proteins. There are three main varieties of carrageenan, which differ in their degree of sulfation. Kappa-carrageenan has one sulfate group per disaccharide, iota-carrageenan has two, and lambda-carrageenan has three. Gelatinous extracts of the Chondrus crispus -Irish moss- seaweed have been used as food additives since approximately the fifteenth century. Carrageenan is a vegetarian and vegan alternative to gelatin in some applications or may be used to replace gelatin in confectionery.
    Origen: Wikipedia (Anglès)

Anàlisi dels ingredients

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    Es desconeix si és vegà

    Ingredients no reconeguts: es:carragenanos-y-algas-euchema

    Alguns ingredients no s'han pogut reconèixer.

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    Podeu ajudar-nos a reconèixer més ingredients i analitzar millor la llista d'ingredients d'aquest producte i d'altres mitjançant:

    • Editeu aquesta pàgina de producte per corregir les faltes d’ortografia de la llista d’ingredients i/o per eliminar els ingredients d’altres idiomes i frases que no estiguin relacionades amb els ingredients.
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    Es desconeix si és vegetarià

    Ingredients no reconeguts: es:carragenanos-y-algas-euchema

    Alguns ingredients no s'han pogut reconèixer.

    Necessitem la teva ajuda!

    Podeu ajudar-nos a reconèixer més ingredients i analitzar millor la llista d'ingredients d'aquest producte i d'altres mitjançant:

    • Editeu aquesta pàgina de producte per corregir les faltes d’ortografia de la llista d’ingredients i/o per eliminar els ingredients d’altres idiomes i frases que no estiguin relacionades amb els ingredients.
    • Afegiu entrades, sinònims o traduccions noves a les nostres llistes multilingües d’ingredients, mètodes de processament d’ingredients i etiquetes.

    Uniu-vos al canal #ingredients del nostre espai de discussió a Slack i/o apreneu sobre l'anàlisi dels ingredients en la nostra wiki, si voleu ajudar. Gràcies!

L'anàlisi es basa únicament en els ingredients enumerats i no té en compte els mètodes de processament.
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    Detalls de l'anàlisi dels ingredients

    Necessitem la teva ajuda!

    Alguns ingredients no s'han pogut reconèixer.

    Necessitem la teva ajuda!

    Podeu ajudar-nos a reconèixer més ingredients i analitzar millor la llista d'ingredients d'aquest producte i d'altres mitjançant:

    • Editeu aquesta pàgina de producte per corregir les faltes d’ortografia de la llista d’ingredients i/o per eliminar els ingredients d’altres idiomes i frases que no estiguin relacionades amb els ingredients.
    • Afegiu entrades, sinònims o traduccions noves a les nostres llistes multilingües d’ingredients, mètodes de processament d’ingredients i etiquetes.

    Uniu-vos al canal #ingredients del nostre espai de discussió a Slack i/o apreneu sobre l'anàlisi dels ingredients en la nostra wiki, si voleu ajudar. Gràcies!

    : Azúcar, almidón de maiz, estabilizantes (carragenanos y algas euchema), sal, colorante natural (beta caroteno, aroma, Caramelo líquido), sacarosa, agua
    1. Azúcar -> en:sugar - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 31016 - percent_min: 15.0266666666667 - percent_max: 100
    2. almidón de maiz -> en:corn-starch - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 9510 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 50
    3. estabilizantes -> en:stabiliser - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 33.3333333333333
      1. carragenanos y algas euchema -> es:carragenanos-y-algas-euchema - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 33.3333333333333
    4. sal -> en:salt - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 11058 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 0.41
    5. colorante natural -> en:natural-colours - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 0.41
      1. beta caroteno -> en:e160ai - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe - from_palm_oil: maybe - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 0.41
      2. aroma -> en:flavouring - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 0.205
      3. Caramelo líquido -> en:e150 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 0.136666666666667
    6. sacarosa -> en:sucrose - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 31016 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 0.41
    7. agua -> en:water - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 18066 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 0.41




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Producte afegit per kiliweb
Última modificació de la pàgina del producte per teolemon.
La pàgina del producte, també editada per org-carrefour-espana, roboto-app, thaialagata, yuka.UmZzTEhLMHZyZFZVaGN3WDV3SG44ZHhSNHFLaUFHR1RMdU1nSVE9PQ.

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