Ajuda'ns a fer que la transparència alimentària sigui la norma!

Com a organització sense ànim de lucre, depenem de les vostres donacions per continuar informant els consumidors de tot el món sobre tot allò què mengen.

La revolució alimentària comença amb tu!

Feu un donatiu

Col·laboreu amb Open Food Facts

Open Food Facts community

Open Food Facts exists thanks to the citizens who give their time and talent in many different activities. We are a large international family that gives a unique character to this beautiful project, made for all, by all! 🌍✨

To facilitate the involvement of our contributors and allow the project to grow in a more dynamic way, we are setting up a Contributors Skill Pool, as well as teams of volunteers by theme.

✅ The aim is to match your skills and interests to the needs of the project.

Whether you are already a very involved contributor or have just arrived and want to participate, we invite you to fill in the form below. (All personal data you enter will be kept confidential and used only by the permanent team to contact you).

Contributors Skill Pool form in ENG/FR

Tothom hi pot col·laborar

Formeu part de la nostra base de dades col·laborativa, gratuïta i oberta de productes alimentaris de tot el món!

Open Beauty Facts is a non-profit project made entirely by volunteers, we do need you.

Afegiu productes

Use our Android, iPhone or Windows app to easily scan the barcode of products from your home or local stores and upload pictures of their label.

No teniu telèfon mòbil? Cap problema: també podeu utilitzar la vostra càmera per afegir productes directament al lloc web.

Expliqueu-ho al món

Necessitem categoritzar productes, extreure llistes d'ingredients i valors nutricionals per analitzar la seva qualitat nutricional, determinar si poden ser aptes per persones veganes i vegetarianes i molt més!

You can help us complete products by selecting and cropping photos and filling in information.

Expliqueu-ho al món

Us agrada Open Food Facts? Digues-ho als altres!

You can present the project to your family and friends, show them how to install the app and contribute, write a blog post, and share Open Food Facts on social media.

Feu que sigui local

Podeu ajudar a traduir el lloc web i l'aplicació per a mòbils al vostre idioma, i traduir presentacions, anuncis, etc.

Start or join a local contributors community: add local products, recruit friends, present the project in local meetups and conferences etc.

Necessitem l'ajuda d'experts

Developing Open Beauty Facts also requires specialized knowledge and expertise in many different areas:

  • Gestió de projectes

    We have tons of ideas and you probably have even more, but it is quite a challenge to prioritize them, to build a roadmap, and to manage projects when every participant is a volunteer with often limited time available.

  • Disseny

    We need help to build a better user experience on the Open Food Facts web site and mobile app, to improve their design, to create impactful presentation materials etc.

  • Desenvolupament

    Tenim molta feina de desenvolupament per fer. On the Open Food Facts backend (Perl and MongoDB), API (JSON), web site (templatized HTML5, JS, Foundation), our Flutter mobile app for iOS and Android, but also to build new cool reuses etc. We have SDK projects in many programming languages to ensure anyone can reuse and contribute to Open Food Facts, in any language. També tenim un esforç creixent d'Intel·ligència Artificial per simplificar el treball de contribució. El nostre codi es troba a GitHub.

  • Construint la comunitat

    Necessitem construir comunitats locals en tots els països i, alhora, unir-les globalment.

    It is very difficult to bootstrap a local community in a country without living there, so your help to find the first very motivated participants is essential. Sou un d'ells?

  • Comunicació

    No estem segurs de què escriure aquí, ens podríeu ajudar?

    More seriously, there are lot of cool things that users, contributors and reusers do with Open Food Facts, it would be great to get more people to know about it. In particular, we need help for public and media relations.

  • Projectes especials

    There are lots of interesting and original applications of food open data that we could work on with government food agencies, food producers, researchers, universities, schools, NGOs etc. Potser ja teniu idees? Si les teniu, si us plau, ajudeu-nos a empènyer endavant.


A la nostra comunitat de col·laboradors es comparteixen moltes idees, energia i entusiasme, uneix-te a nosaltres!

Aquí teniu alguns llocs on podeu conèixer altres col·laboradors, parlar-hi i treballar amb ells:

  • Slack

    Slack és la millor manera d'interactuar i col·laborar amb altres col·laboradors, desenvolupadors i reutilitzadors. It's a discussion forum you can access from your browser or your phone. Ha canviat completament la manera de treballar junts. Please try it, click here to get invited to our Slack.

  • Grups de Facebook

    Tenim grups de Facebook per als col·laboradors d'Open Food Facts en molts idiomes. Joining them is a good way to get news about the project and to share announcements to a wider audience.

  • Viquipèdia

    També tenim una wiki que fem servir per documentar, de forma col·laborativa, Open Food Facts i els seus subprojectes. Des del wiki, podeu aprendre com ajudar a traduir la informació multilingüe (categories, etiquetes, etc.) que pot tenir un producte alimentari (utilitzant el que anomenem taxonomies). Fins i tot podeu ajudar a afegir una categoria d'aliments o una etiqueta que encara no és compatible amb Open Food Facts.

Make a difference

We have several important on-going operations, join us!

Here are some places where you can have impact now:

There are many more ways to contribute to Open Beauty Facts, please join us on Slack and let's start the discussion!