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E321 - Butilhidroxitoluè

Funcions: Antioxidant

Butylated hydroxytoluene -BHT-, also known as dibutylhydroxytoluene, is a lipophilic organic compound, chemically a derivative of phenol, that is useful for its antioxidant properties. European and U.S. regulations allow small amounts to be used as a food additive. In addition to this use, BHT is widely used to prevent oxidation in fluids -e.g. fuel, oil- and other materials where free radicals must be controlled. - Viquipèdia

Avaluació de l’EFSA: Scientific Opinion on the re-evaluation of butylated hydroxytoluene BHT -E 321- as a food additive (2012-03-07)

País: Espanya - Veure productes coincidents de tot el món